The Protestor

After the Beatles broke up in 1975, each respective member went off on their own path. Lennon, though he has the shortest solo career of the four (not by his choice as he was unfortunately shot on December 8, 1980,) made the best of his time by using his popularity to create music which spread messages of peace, harmony and equality for all.

These songs include the following, the lyrics of which will be added in full to this blog, with brief analysis. All lyrics are posted from Genius Lyrics at

Also included here are songs Lennon had influence in whilst still in the Beatles, for your own reference,if you choose to look into them:
  • "Revolution" (1968)
  • "Blackbird" (1968)
  • "Back in the USSR" (1968)
  • "Piggies" (1968) **
  • "Taxman" (1966) **
(**Originally penned by Lennon's band mate George Harrison)
